Aberle Design Co.
Everyday Musings, Motherhood

Small acts of kindness change the world, and our small kids can help

Photo by Annie Spratt 

I just want to start by saying: our family has never done a service project together. If you’re thinking, “me either,” that’s consoling, because maybe I’m not the only one. I’ll admit it has not been high on my priority list. 

Sure, we’ve brought the occasional meal to a family friend welcoming a new baby, but otherwise, I have two-year-old triplets, and am expecting a fourth child in January, so I always just reasoned that nothing we could do would actually be helpful to anyone anyway.

I always imagined our family would volunteer in future years at soup kitchens, shelters, and many other organizations … but the visions in my head were always visions of teenagers. The idea of service projects was way on the back burner for me. 

But on September 11, I saw on Instagram that a friend with three little ones, all under 4, took donuts to the fire station as a thank you to first responders. This quick little social media story shook up my visions of teenagers working in official service project capacities and really made me think. 

Not only did their family make the firemen smile on that day — a tough and sad day for everyone — but she was able to show her kids, her still very little kids, the importance of saying thank you to those who work so hard for the safety of our community, and establish a family tradition of 9/11 remembrance.

When I saw that post, it hit me that being aware of our community needs as a family is really important, and it’s possible to help from a lot younger age than I had previously imagined. As Brene Brown said, “compassion is not a virtue, it is a commitment. It’s not something we have or don’t have — it’s something we choose to practice.”

I do know that I am about to have four little ones under 3, and that still leaves most organized service projects off the table for us for a little while (because in all honesty, most days I’m lucky if I get a shower in). 

But the thing is, while our little kids might not be able to do big things, our little kids can do little things—and that’s equally as important.

Our little ones can learn to spread kindness and compassion through little acts of love and care for those around us, even from a very young age, no matter what our circumstances are in life. While organized service projects might have to wait, committing to practicing compassion can start any time.

While our little kids might not be able to do big things, our little kids can do little things—and that’s equally as important.

On further research, I was surprised that there are actually quite a few family service projects that can be done with kids 8 and under. Here are a few favorite candidates that I bookmarked that you might enjoy doing with your kids too:

I know that these projects won’t go perfectly, that the cards will have mistakes and the sidewalk might have a few broken snowballs on it and the kids won’t want to pick up litter probably at all. 

However, if any of our efforts bring a smile to someone’s face, and serve as an opportunity to learn about empathy, awareness, responsibility, and kindness, I’m on board. We might not be swooping in to solve any big world problems, but when it comes to kindness and compassion, every little bit helps. 

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