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Faith, Motherhood

How To Work Prayer Into Your Day As A Busy Mom

Y’all, motherhood is hard. And chances are, we all find ourselves in need of some refreshment and renewal throughout the day. We are human, after all!

Which is why prayer is the best thing we can do for our families. It gives us a few moments with our Creator, allowing Him to remind us that like the stars, and sky, and ocean, we are good. And who doesn’t need that in the midst of dirty diapers and messy countertops?

There are tons of ways you can work prayer into your day, even for the busiest of moms.

Here are four practical tips for making room for prayer in your life as a mama:  

01. Schedule It

Go into the day knowing when you’re going to pray.  Planning reminds us that prayer is a priority, worthy of our time and energy. If possible, schedule it at the same time each day. Doing this helps cement the practice as a habit — a habit that will keep you grounded and sane on even the craziest of days.

Having it scheduled also helps you plan appropriately. Start in the morning before your children wake up, or at night after they’ve gone to bed, or for a few minutes in the afternoon while you sit on the back porch with your journal or bible.

It might help to talk to your husband or older children about watching the little ones during that time — that way you can take a few moments knowing that your children are taken care of.

02. Sometimes, Less Is More

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that one hour of stress-filled prayer time is better than 15 (or even 5) minutes of more peaceful and fruitful prayer. As moms, something always needs to be done — lunches to make, diapers to change, laundry and dishes to clean. Prayer should never feel like one more thing on our never-ending to-do list.

If you find yourself falling into thinking this way, remind yourself that prayer is your chance to find peace in the midst of the craziness. To have your cup, which is constantly being poured out for your family, refilled again.

We don’t always have an hour to spend in prayer (though it’s great if you do!) but thankfully, God can do a lot with whatever you can give him.

03. Ora et Labora

Our daily work as mothers doesn’t have to hinder our prayer life, but can actually be another way in which we pray. Ora et Labora is a phrase from the Benedictine order of monks meaning “pray and work.” It is one way in which we can “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:16).

Try talking to God as you go about doing the beautiful work of motherhood, or even offer your day-to-day activities to God. He has called you to be a mother to your children, and desires to  be a part of that life-giving gift: smelly diapers, late-night feedings and all.

Nothing you do for your family goes unnoticed by Him, and He wants to shower grace on you in every moment. All you need to do is ask Him!

04. Pray With Your Kids

There are going to be some days where finding a few moments to pray will seem impossible. On these days, try inviting your kids to join you in praying!

While it is necessary for us as mothers to have moments of individual prayer to cultivate our relationship with God, there’s no rule that praying as a mother must always be a solitary practice.

In fact, it is actually good for them (and you!) to pray as a family. It helps teach your children how to pray as well as the importance of a personal relationship with God. Plus, it will help them better understand your need for prayer in the future.

Becoming a mother doesn’t mean that your relationship with God should be put on the back burner. In many ways, it is your role as a mother that can deepen your relationship with our Heavenly Father like never before. All we need to do is invite Him to join us on our journey through daily prayer.

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