Everyday Homes, Faith

How to build a gallery wall

Gallery walls can be a fun and unique way to display art you’ve chosen for your home, but they can be a bit intimidating as well.

I’ve had to throw my expectations of Pinterest-perfect gallery walls out the window, and focus instead on what sparks joy for me and works for my home.

Mixing and matching different sizes, textures, and colors, while choosing items that are meaningful to you can make your gallery wall beautiful and unique.

I like to mix family photos in with things like maps, mirrors, religious art, and even a shelf with books and a small plant on it in order to create a cohesive wall that is two dimensional.

I also tend to choose a few small items and a few larger items to arrange together so that the wall isn’t overwhelmed by many pieces of the same size. Following this rule of different dimensions, textures, and sizes is crucial in keeping a gallery wall looking polished yet intriguing.

I like to draw out what I want my gallery wall to look like before hanging items in an effort to be intentional with this space and minimize the amount of holes I’ll be putting in my walls.

I lay the items out on the floor in front of the wall beforehand so I can see it all together and make any changes as needed.  When placing the items on the wall, I try to work from the middle of the wall out towards the sides in order to keep both sides complimentary without looking too symmetrical.

A gallery wall can be overwhelming to look at, but when thoughtfully created, it can be a fun and neat way to display some of your favorite artwork, family photos, and other decor.

But I think that the most important rule of all, is: have fun with decorating, and do what works best for you!

You know your style, your home, and your family better than anyone, so instead of trying to fit into an expectation of what your home should look like, follow your instincts and do what feels natural for you.

I promise that at the end of the day, this is what will leave your home in its most beautiful form, and this is what will spark the most joy for you, your family, and all who have the pleasure of entering your home.

I’ve frequently prayed for my home to be a witness to all who enter, and in asking for God’s presence in every aspect of my home, I like to think that He will use my home to inspire our family and our guests.

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