
Hi! I’m Andrea.

I live in San Clemente, California with my husband and three children. I have three young boys, which is lucky for me because that means I am always outside. I grew up in Georgia surrounded by a family garden of fruits and vegetables as well as a yard full of azaleas, cherry trees, honeysuckles and hydrangeas. Now I enjoy cultivating my own yard and garden, with a few pairs of little helping hands.

I believe that planting and planning your landscape outdoors works a lot like designing your home indoors. Different heights, textures and colors all matter and can be designed to suit your comfort and style.

Whether you are hesitant to venture into gardening or ready to get your shovel in the ground, I am here to help. What’s important to me is working with you, whatever your comfort level, to design your yard in a way that you feel confident about maintaining in the future.

In my design consults I focus on specifics like climate, soil, watering and spacing. But more importantly I want to help you feel at home in your yard. There is an immense beauty and joy that stems from working in the garden and watching and learning how things grow and I look forward to sharing that with you and your family.

How to request Andrea to work on your project

Andrea can help with The Garden Package.

To request Andrea for your project, mention her name in the notes at checkout. 

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